Mooloolaba is located on the Sunshine Coast of Southern Queensland and offers a Prep to Year 6 Education Queensland curriculum. The school draws it students from Mooloolaba, Alexandra Headland and Cotton Tree. Currently the school has a student population of approximately 830. The full range of curriculum areas are well catered for with special expertise in The Arts, Sport, Technology and Early Childhood Education.
The school offers a range of specialist lessons. Children access specialist lessons in Physical Education, Music, and Japanese for students in later years. An Instrumental Program is continually developing within the school as with our Surfing Excellence program.
Daily routine
First Bell 8.45am
Assemble at class 8.50am
Morning Session 8.50am to 11am
Morning Tea 11am to 11.40am
Middle Session 11.40am to 1pm
Lunch 1pm to 1.40pm
Afternoon Session 1.40pm to 3pm
Dismissal 3pm
Students should not arrive before 8.30am and should be collected by 3pm. The school P&C operates an Out of School Hours Care program that parents can access should they need to drop their children at school prior to 8:30am, or after 3pm.
Class groups
The composition of individual class groups and the allocation of teachers to particular classes is decided by the Principal following consultation with teachers and specialist teachers. These are very complex decisions with students' abilities, students' interactions with others and teachers' strengths being some of the determinants in the composition of class groups and the allocation of teachers. As the decision regarding the composition of class groups is a complex issue requiring careful consideration it is unlikely that students will be changed to another class following a request.
Multi-age classes
Some students may be placed in a multi-age class when there are insufficient numbers of students to have a full class for these year levels. When this occurs two year level groups are combined. For example, a multi-age class may contain students from Year 5 and Year 6.
These classes are no different from single year level classes, as in all classes, all students are treated as individuals and not just as a group of particular year level students. Each student progresses at their own individual level in all subject areas and therefore commences the year with different developmental levels and needs. In any one class this difference could equate to a significant difference in students' abilities, and programs are adjusted accordingly to meet each of thier needs.