Our school offers a comprehensive music program that provides children from prep to year 6 the opportunity to develop their musical abilities to their fullest potential. Delivered by specialist teachers, the music program encompasses classroom music lessons, instrumental music (strings, woodwind, brass, percussion), multiple choirs and a ukulele club.
Classroom music
Every child in the school receives a weekly specialist music lesson. In lower grades, lessons revolve around the use of singing voices and percussion instruments. Middle and upper grades, while also having a strong vocal focus, are introduced and taught to play instruments including the recorder, xylophone/glockenspiel, ukulele and acoustic guitar. Irrespective of grade level, all children are taught the fundamentals of musical notation so that they have the opportunity to become literate in the reading and writing of music. Throughout the grade levels children are exposed to a variety of musical styles and taught music appreciation. Performance is also a pivotal part of the program and is a common thread that runs throughout the year levels.
Choral Program
Our school has an active choral program and a long history of choral excellence. The school currently operates two choirs: Nightingales and Bella Voce (Italian for beautiful voice). Nightingales is our middle school choir and involves years 3 and 4, whereas Bella Voce is our upper school choir and caters for year 5 and 6 students. Both choirs perform regularly throughout the year at events that may include school assemblies, end of year Twilight Concert, Eisteddfods, Choral Fanfare and community functions.
Acceptance into choir is based on singing ability, previous choral involvement and attitude and behaviour. A levy (currently $15) is payable by all participants to help cover the costs of professional accompanying fees and the purchase of choir scores.
Instrumental Music
Our school offers two diverse instrumental programs: Strings and Woodwind/Brass/Percussion (Multi). Each program is delivered by visiting specialist instrumental instructors who conduct weekly small group lessons in addition to larger ensembles/bands for students who have attained more advanced skills.
The strings program caters for children in years 3 to 6 and involves the learning of either the violin, viola, cello or double bass whereas the multi program is open to children in years 4 to 6 and involves instruments including percussion, trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet and saxophone.
Entry into the instrumental music program is on the basis of merit. Merit criteria include classroom music results, physical attributes of the child (e.g. shape of mouth for wind instruments, size of the student etc), behaviour and attitude, classroom teacher feedback and family support. For more detailed information about either instrumental program, including costs, please see the
Instrumental Program Policy Mooloolaba State School 2023.pdf
Ukulele Club
Open to children in year 5 who want to expand their repertoire from that learnt during weekly classroom music lessons. This group commences in term 3 when students have already learnt several chords and basic strumming techniques. The ukulele club often is often attended by Mooloolaba staff members too!