Mooloolaba State School is a 'uniform school'. The correct school uniform is expected to worn at all times.
Download the QKR from your app Store and create your child/ren's profile

The uniform shop is located at
the tuckshop and is open Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 9.30.
Our uniform shop also offers an online ordering service through QKR. Orders are available for collection during operating hours.
Our school uniform
The uniform consists of school polo shirt, black shorts or skorts (girls) and a Mooloolaba State School dark blue broad brimmed hat. Jumpers must be blue or black only. Shoes are to be enclosed black shoes (such as runners or leather footwear) with white socks only. Runners with bright colours or coloured laces are not acceptable.
The sports uniform consists of black shorts and a coloured shirt in the colour of our sports team houses. Umpara - aqua, Wollomai - white, Bingera - purple.
The correct school uniform is expected to be worn on all days with the exception of special days, such as sports days.